© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 19th

I will wake up and live the life I Love, in Spirit and in Truth!!!

My source is God/Goddess. I am sustained in a power I will never be able to express in words. This power is God/Goddess, it’s incredible, it is Awesome! This power can turn war into peace. This power can transcend time and place. It is everywhere evenly distributed. It is a power that heals and harmonizes everything in its path. I connect to my Infinite Source at all times.

There is a power inside of me that is greater than any outside influence. I rise up and greet this Power with my utmost respect. I rise up to welcome this Power into every small detail of my existence. I rise up!

I must be fully awake to utilize this Power. I choose to be aware of this Power. I acknowledge this Power. I am this Power, in human expression.

There is a gift inside of me begging for expression through me. I know it, I feel it, I can sense it. I live this life that has been but a dream. I fully engage in its reality. I give birth to it with ease, joy and peace. I am excited.

Wake up and fully live! Wake up and allow your uniqueness to flow, to water all of humanity. You are a gift.

I discover the life I sincerely Love. I live the life I Love! I Am the life I Love. God/Goddess is my strength, my courage, my wisdom. With God/Goddess I can conquer all fear and live victoriously, all things are possible! I Am charged with an unfailing attitude of Success! Thanks God/Goddess for choosing me to do the work that I alone am called to do. Thanks Creator for entrusting me with the gifts to make a contribution that benefits all of mankind.