© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 22nd

The Holy Bible describes the beginning of creation by declaring, God Said let there be light and there was light. And it continues to describe each occurrence as being created by the act of God Said and it was done!

 We are made in the image and after the likeness of God/Goddess. Does that mean we have the same power in our words as God/Goddess? As humans, we are the highest form of creation. And if we have been created with the power of the spoken word should we not be very mindful of what we choose to let part our lips?

I choose to eliminate all negative words from my vocabulary. I once said I would love to see a religious group where only positive words were spoken the entire time people were present. I was told that such a place could not exist because people needed to know that there were consequences to pay for wrongful choices. That did not stop me from desiring such a place. I thought to myself and said out loud, ‘Well then perhaps its for me to do.’ I see it in full expression. Just imagine worshiping at a place where all that is said is life affirming. I still see the vision. I believe it can be done. We have enough of other sources that are more than willing to feed us with negative self talk and beliefs.

I stand firm in the power of the spoken word. I hold the vision of change. I see Spirituality as a means to a better and brighter life. Spirituality that lifts and encourages all that is good. I believe God/Goddess would proclaim “Let there be Places of Worship Where MY Light is clearly shone for all to see!!! Let there be only UP lifting words spoken from the pulpits. Tell My Children they are good and very good!”

God/Goddess said, ‘Let there be PEACE everywhere for all are my children!’ And there was Peace everywhere celebrating all of God/Goddess’s children!