© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 26th

Today I serve as a healing agent to all I come in contact with. I choose to offer words of encouragement. I choose to demonstrate compassion. I choose to help those in need.

I can offer words to soften a situation. I choose carefully today and make each word I speak a testimony of faith. I offer hope to those around me. I speak kind and loving words. I know and accept the power in the spoken word, which can heal or harm. My words today are only those which will help and heal.

I give my best today as I serve as a healing agent. I smile at a child and ensure them they can accomplish the task before them. I greet a stranger with a welcoming expression and let them know we are all in this thing called life together. I go the extra mile to make a co-worker feel good about the work they are doing. I give my sincere appreciation to all gestures of kindness given to me.

In my home I am a healing agent. Each family member is valued and honored. I respect their actions and trust they are doing their best. I offer advice only when it is asked for. The healing I give in my home is that of expecting the best from each member. As I expect their best, I receive their best. I understand that which I receive is a direct reflection of my expectations.

I am a healing agent with myself. I give praise and acceptance to me today. I trust I am doing my best. I know I can choose differently at any given time. I am responsible for each of my actions. I heal myself with unconditional love and respect. I honor myself. I love myself. I cherish exactly who I am today. It always begins with me. As I heal myself I am a better person, free of all negativity. I live a life of freedom and creative expression.

Today I am a Healing Agent! Thanks God/Goddess.