© Sandy Rodgers Ministries

 December 18th

Wellness is emotional, physical and spiritual. Where is your level of wellness today?

I allow myself to release all non-essential emotional baggage. I carry a light load of Happiness and Joy. My bags contain only essential items of Love, Harmony and Cooperation. I pack my bags with Compassion and Mercy. I carry an amble supply of Gratitude and Thanksgiving. My bags pass all the security check points.

I am physically fit and improving daily. I exercise my body to be flexible and adaptable to life’s requirements. As I sit I stretch the muscles in my legs. While I type on the computer I tighten and release my neck and shoulder muscles. I rotate my head and feel the tension release. I roll my shoulders and enjoy the relaxation to enter this area. I walk as often as I can. I breathe in the awesome air and allow it to circulate in my body. I reach towards the sky giving Thanks and exhale as I bend forward. I receive the breath of The Creator circulating in every cell in my body.

Daily I devote time to my spiritual evolvement. I pray and relax. I meditate and give Thanks. I am divinely guided through my meditations. God/Goddess speaks to me as I become still and know I Am A Child of The Most High. I read and enjoy inspirational literature. I seek Knowledge through feasting with other like minded individuals. Together we encourage, support and love each other to higher and higher levels of consciousness.

My Wellness increases and expands daily. I give my undivided attention to my own Well-being knowing that as I take care of me I am giving my best to the Universe.